Saved and Default Gain/Offset Values

Issue #436 resolved
Eric Walden created an issue

I use the same gain and offset values across my imaging with the QHY600 and Esprit 150. I got values of 26/31 from Dr Qiu at QHY as best for this camera and configuration, and in my imaging so far they work great, so until I hear otherwise I’m staying there.

However, on every restart I have to set the default values of 30/30 to the ones I need. Also it would be nice to have those default values carry across the system to both imaging and calibration frames so I don’t have to enter them manually every time.

It would be easy enough to set up separate profiles with specific gain/offset values inputted so if those values were desired you don’t have to change them across the entire system, potentially missing one and ruining a session.

Thank you for such an excellent piece of software, I can’t wait to see it to continue to grow!

Comments (1)

  1. Stefan B repo owner

    camera settings are persisted in 1.10 beta. additionally for sequence stuff a template is recommended.

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