Sunset/Rise Display Incorrect

Issue #437 resolved
Eric Walden created an issue

The twilight/dark overlay on the Framing and Sequence pages show sunset to be happening approximately 4 hours earlier than what should be displayed for my location. I have the correct lat/long values set up in NINA. What am I missing?


Comments (8)

  1. Stefan B repo owner


    you are missing some proper steps to reproduce the issue.
    Please provide your rough location, a screenshot of the wrong rise and set time and your expected rise and set times.


  2. Eric Walden reporter

    My location is 38N 78W in Virginia USA. Local sunset today is 1723 and astronomical dark is 1856. So my graph is more like 7 hours off…

    Lat/Long is set correctly in NINA, and my system time is correct.

  3. Stefan B repo owner

    I’ve set my system time to UTC-5 and entered latitude 38 and longitude -78 and get the correct result

  4. Eric Walden reporter

    It’s odd, my Sky Atlas page shows the correct set and rise times as yours do above, but the graph is way off.

  5. Niccolò Coli

    I suggest: check if your PC has the correct time/date/timezones settings

    Did you leave this istance of NINA open since the previous day?

  6. Eric Walden reporter

    This was fixed with a NINA restart, but has recurred for me so something is going on with NINA reading either time or location I think.

  7. Ara Jerahian

    BTW, I’m seeing the exact same issue here. I screen captured the different views between the Sky Atlas chart (correct) and the Framing module chart (incorrect) from the same session. My local time was 4:15p (or so) U.S. ET when I was doing this.

    Here is my object’s chart as seen in the Sky Atlas:

    and here is the same target’s chart right after I pushed it to the Framing module:

    You can see the “Now” line is correct in both charts, but the Twilight & Darkness bands are off in the Framing module chart.

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