Wrong Gain Settings in Fits Header / Target Temp is not updated

Issue #442 closed
Former user created an issue

Hi all,

I used ZWO ASI 183 MC Pro for Lights and ZWO ASI 120 MCS for Guiding with PHD2. I did a mistake and selected 183 MC Pro for Guiding with Nina already being connected with 183 MC Pro, but not grabbing images. PHD2 modified the Gain of the 183 MC Pro without Nina noticing this. Nina writes the wrong Gain value to the fits header (100 wich I always use) and not the real one set by PHD2. I saw this when stacking the images, the darks did not fit to the lights and the lights showed different histogram than the lights I shot before. This error is reproducible.

Secondly, when changing the target temp in the camera interface, it is not used. You have to change it in SharpCap, then the correct new value is displayed in Nina and used.



Comments (2)

  1. Dale Ghent

    Claus, assuming you are connecting to the cameras using the native drivers instead of ASCOM: The native drivers that both NINA and PHD2 use expect exclusive access to the camera hardware. The behavior of the drivers is undefined when multiple instances are attempting simultaneous access. There is no way that NINA can know PHD2 is connected directly to the camera and vice versa.

    As for the temperature, you must set the slider to the temperature (and optionally, the Duration slider as well) value you want and press the thermometer button to activate the setting.

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