Strange overlay when capturing with QHY294C using ASCOM drivers with "Remove Overscan Area" disabled (default)

Issue #446 closed
Daniel Lorenzo created an issue

NINA: nightly 1.10 # 58
ASCOM driver:

Now that QHY added the "Remove Overscan Area" option in their ASCOM driver and that by default it is disabled, there is an overlay on the capture frames (see attachments).

When opening ASCOM driver settings and ticking the option, the problem is fixed.

  1. It seems that NINA tries to remove overscan area forcefully, but does not do it correctly.
  2. I did not check, but will verify, I hope the frame is “overcropped” (cropped when not needed) when overscan is deactivated in the ASCOM driver.

Comments (8)

  1. Daniel Lorenzo reporter

    In that situation, I think NINA should stop trying to crop overscan and leave control to user with the ASCOM driver settings

  2. Daniel Lorenzo reporter

    Checked resolution when disabling overscan in ASCOM and the fit is 4164x2796 which is the correct resolution.

  3. Stefan B repo owner

    Is this only about the ASCOM driver?
    There we don’t have any special logic for overscan, as this is info is not available through the ascom interface. We just take what data we get out of the ascom driver.

    Is there a reason not using the native QHY implementation?

  4. Daniel Lorenzo reporter

    Oh crap.. it’s on ASCOM driver side I think. I have the same problem under SharpCap…

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