When plate solve fails - take new image rather than repeating failure.

Issue #450 resolved
nickstarboy created an issue

When slewing to a target, if the initial exposure is suboptimal (ie trailed due to wind) the platesolve fails, and then repeats the failure several more times (same input, same failure).

The whole process then fails - usually start s imaging at this probably wrong position.

Why not take a new image instead?

I use ASTAP.

Comments (13)

  1. Stefan B repo owner

    Not entirely sure about the description.

    The flow is:

    Capture Image → Solve → On Failure Blind Solve → Capture new image and reattempt (when enabled)

    So it will take a new exposure. (If not it is a bug)

  2. nickstarboy reporter

    Oh OK! I have the plate solve 'number of attempts ' at 3 , if i set this to 1 will it take another image immediately? I have never known it take another image after failing. I just get the red box appear at lower right telling me its failed and then the auto focus window appears and it starts imaging.

    Is there another setting I need to alter?

  3. Ross Walker

    I may be wrong but I think you have it set up correctly already. My understanding is, setting “number of attempts” to 3 means the plate solve is run a max of three times, with each attempt using a newly captured image (not the same image). And if you set attempts to only one, you’ll just get a single platesolve attempt with no re-attempts on failure. Is my understanding correct Stefan? Nickstarboy, are you sure NINA is not capturing a new image each attempt? It would be pointless using the same image each attempt.

  4. nickstarboy reporter

    Hi Ross, I'm about 90% sure it doesnt take a new image, but I should check first before confirming.

  5. nickstarboy reporter

    Happened again last night - acquired image was slightly trailed, so wouldnt solve, NINA gave me the red box of ‘platesolve failed’, and then tried again with the same image…..it didnt work!

  6. Stefan B repo owner

    It will try normal solve then fallback to blind solve. then a new image will be taken when you have more than 1 retry enabled.

  7. nickstarboy reporter

    Ah OK, perhaps I also have blind solve set to ASTAP, so it seems like a straight repeat.

    I’ll check. Perhaps I was panicking unduly - i guess it only takes a minute or so to blind solve. Everything is so quick in NINA perhaps I was getting impatient!

    Thanks Stefan.

  8. Ross Walker

    Nick, what is your delay between solves?

    Are you confusing local and blind plate solves? If the local solve fails, it will use the same image when it attempts a blind solve. Is this what you are seeing? This should be expected behaviour.

    Or is what you are seeing: Take image. Local solve (fail). Blind solve using same image (fail). Pause (via delay setting). Local solve (using the previous image) - fail. Remote solve using previous image (fail) … etc.??

    It should be taking a new image whenever a new local solve is initiated.

  9. nickstarboy reporter

    Hi Ross,

    Yes - I think the problem is me, I hadnt realised it was immediately going to blind solve.

    Having said that, I do have retries set to 3, which i interpreted as ‘local’ retries - but i guess it does a blind solve before it ‘retries’, with a new image. I didnt let it get that far.

    I’ll check. I still recall getting total failure when the first image was trailed, but I could be wrong, so ignore this for now.


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