edit of filter names while connected to ewf filter wheel does not update

Issue #451 duplicate
joe perry created an issue

i clicked filter wheel and connected.l it shows 1,2,3,4,5,..etc filter numbers

so i clicked EDIT and some window pops up and you type in the names

Lum red grn blue moon etc….

then you click OK or save..

but the list of filters on the right side of nina 1.9 stays in numbers 1 2 3 4..etc..

please up date even though your connected.

issue 1.. joe

Comments (4)

  1. joe perry reporter

    hi i got lots of issues with nina sharpcap captures is better. but has problems also.

    1. when you take an image in Imaging button..single image.. you dont know when it is finished.the button blinks but you watch for that..where is the image? the box under the    single image clickis all white .. no image show up to show you finished. so you go click IMAGE and voila.. the image.. but it is only the upper left corner very bad.. need to scale -----  or ++++  so the image WHOLE is seenand then you can zoom.. with the image i clicked BOX menu button.. where in the heack is the box.???nothing show up in the image view screen.. i may be in the image on a galaxy i want to zoom or box. but no box. where is the box on MY WINDOW .. not the IMAGE.. yea you put the box at the center of the IMAGE ..bad bad... now i have to zoom to find the box.. then go back move the box and zoomout again to center the box whee i want it on the whole image.

    ....thanks issuesjoe



  2. Stefan B repo owner

    The progress is indicated at the bottom of the application. The image is always displayed in the image tab in the image section where you can also zoom in and out. the whole image tab is customizable and you can drag around the various panels. See below an example

  3. joe perry reporter

    HI yes that worked.. what did not work is the BOX  to put the BOX on the images.. it put the BOX in the middle of the IMAGE.. and the image is only displaying the upperleft corner..so you cant find the box with out zoom. not good the BOX should center on the part of the image you have displayed in the gui window!! thanksjoe


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