Entering southern declinations near the equator

Issue #455 resolved
Frank Zoltowski created an issue

I can’t belive this has not come up, but if I try to enter a southern declination near the equator, it won’t take it. This is with the sequence and in the telescope control. If I try to enter -00 36' 20”, it does not take the minus sign. It’s OK if I want to go to -1 36' 20”. In order to image in this location, I have to nudge the scope to it and prevent any scope slews. If I missed something on this, then my apologies. I am working with a narrow field (< 10 arc minute FOV) camera in this setup, so my pointing needs to be precise.

Comments (2)

  1. nickstarboy

    just noticed this is related to my issue 454, which reports the same thing when importing coordinates from CdC. Instead of imaging NGC4666 at -0 30' I got a bland bit of sky at +0 30'!

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