Plate solving image often leads to trailing stars on 2nd attempt when 1st attempt is not inside tolerance

Issue #458 closed
Ara Jerahian created an issue

Hey guys, I’ve been using NINA since April 2019 and 1.10 since #001. Plate-solving has been working flawlessly with ASTAP almost the whole time, with a few quickly resolved hiccups here and there.

Very recently, probably over the last month I would say, I’ve been noticing something occurring quite regularly, although inconsistently. When slewing to a target and plate-solving, I’m pretty much expecting the 1st attempt to be outside of my tolerance. So, once the 1st image plate-solves successfully (this is hardly ever an issue), the 2nd image after reslewing has significant star trails. This happens, roughly, about half the time now. As a result, plate-solving fails completely with those trails.

I know I can increase the number of retries, but I think that would simply mask the issue here since the behavior seems rather new to me. Also, it’s definitely not wind.

I could be wrong here, but it doesn’t look like the reslew is observing the “Settle time after slew” configuration value from the Telescope options? I have it set to the default 5s it is preconfigured to be.

Comments (2)

  1. Yannick Dutertre

    I have had that happen to me - but I double checked and the code always goes through the settle time. We surmise that some mounts report the slew has finished a bit too early, when they’re still putting the final touches to the slew. Since I increased the settle time to 10s, I haven’t seen the issue.

  2. Ara Jerahian reporter

    Closing this as not a bug as I have not seen this happen again since I increased the settle time. Thanks for looking into it, Yannick.

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