Could moify the Mosaic sequence for shot full mosaic?

Issue #467 closed
王文益 created an issue

What I mean is :Could modify the mosaic sequence for shot full mosaic once, that is, for example, if I plan for 3X3=9 frames mosaic, I could shot all the 9 frame single shots, and then repeat to shot the 9 single frames again and again until aquire the full SNR for my full mosaic frames?

For the latest version, it just could shot single frames for mutiliframes, then prceed to next component frames… it ofen make the mosaic uncompelte before finishing it.

Would you kind to add the mosaic proceeding funtion for prior to shot full mosaic or shot single mutil component frames?



Comments (1)

  1. Stefan B repo owner

    an outer instruction set can be added to the list of targets that issues the repeat. possible with 1.11 adv. sequencer

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