Temperature Control Issues

Issue #475 closed
Jim Waters created an issue

Newly migrated to N.I.N.A. Rel 1.10 #070 and noted some issues. Setup is as follows:

  • Camera ASI2600MC Pro w/ external 120AC to 12VDC @5amp power source.
  • Windows 7 Pro x64 w/ all patches and updates.
  • Using current ZWO ASCOM Drivers.


I turned on the cooler and set the ‘Target Temperature’ slider to 0C. I set the ‘Min. Duration’ slider to 10.0 minutes. Issue: The ASI2600MC Pro cooled down to 0.0C in 3 minutes not ~10 mins.

I Set the ‘Target Temperature’ slider to 20C and left the ‘Min. Duration’ slider at 10.0 minutes. Issue: The ASI2600MC Pro maintained the 0C temperature and never warmed up.

Both of these issues can cause thermal stress to the sensor shorting its life. These issues need to be resolved.

Comments (4)

  1. Dale Ghent

    After adjusting the duration slider, did you press the thermometer button to the right of the slider to set it and the temperature setpoint?

    There is no such thing as thermal stress to the sensor in these very mild settings. If this were actually a thing that would cause damage to the sensor, the camera firmware itself would limit the rate at which the TEC ramps up or down. Even if it were a thing, how would you know that even 10 minutes is also not too short of a time?

  2. Jim Waters reporter

    I have now, “press the thermometer button”. Thanks Dale...! Perhaps it would be a good idea to place a ‘Set Temperature’ notation to the left of the Thermometer Icon for new users like myself 🙂 . Also, it may be wise to change the code so the TEC doesn’t start cooling immediately. You need to push the Thermometer first...

    Thanks for correcting me Dale.

  3. Dale Ghent

    Yeah, this is a noted pain point here and a bit unobvious to the new user. We do want to improve it, but in a way that definitively makes it clear for all sorts of types of people. Of course if you have an thoughts on this yourself, feel free to let us know.

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