Some Tasks not explained

Issue #482 closed
Mike Forster created an issue
  • Hello, I am a beginner and have some problems to know whether to enable or to disable some settings, e.g. the debayer function in “Options/Imaging” menu. The screenshots on NINA homepage are a great thing as they explain each Tab but they unfortunatelly are out dated. I am using a DSLR camera (canon Eos 6d) should I use the debayer function or can i let it disabled and do the deebayer later while processing (stacking) the pictures with an astronomy software? Which way should I chose?
  • Also a similar question about the “Options/General” menu. Which path should I chose for “Sky Survey Cache Directory”? What does it mean?
  • And a last question concerning “ASTAP”. For ASTAP also the “ASTAP Star data base” needs to be downloaded. Where exactly do I have to save it?

Thanks a lot

KR, Sebastian

Comments (3)

  1. Stefan B repo owner

    Documentation has detailed info. If something is missing reach out to us or even consider contributing to the documentation yourself

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