Error In Numbering Subs – SSFRAMENR$$ and Other Pattern Names Issues

Issue #487 invalid
Jim Waters created an issue

Release 1.10 Build 074

Windows 7 Pro w/ all patches and updates


I have noticed that SSFRAMENR$$ does not number frames / subs sequentially, tops and starts over again several times - at random. This occurred when using the Flat Wizard – see attachments. Also $$TARGETNAME$$ was not appended to the start of each Flat file. The sequentially number issue also occurred during Light Subs but I thought it was something I did. Also; at times other Pattern Names were omitted / dropped.


Steps to Reproduce

Set up taking Flats using the Flat Wizard. Set parameters as shown in attachments.

Expected Behavior

Sequentially number of all subs – Lights, Darks, BIAS, Flats …etc. Also producing correct file names per the Image File Pattern above.

Actual Behavior

Incorrect numbering and dropping out Image File Pattern Pattern Names.

Comments (4)

  1. Stefan B repo owner

    Flats dont have a target. Furthermore your pattern does not include the framenumber. The numbers you are seeing are name collisions that are prevented

  2. Jim Waters reporter

    OK - I understand about the Flat naming. I have been using Flat Naming in the past to associate my Flats to a given imaging session so I know what the optical train arrangement and scope was.

    On the other issue. I added $$FRAMENR$$ to the string and its not being saved. I tried adding another ($$APPLICATIONSTARTDATE$$) and immediately closed NINA via 'X'. Reopened NINA the string entry was gone... Its somewhat random. Would you like me to make a video of the issue?

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