Sequence which rotates filters in between dithers

Issue #490 closed
Shlomi Vaknin created an issue


For a few reasons, such as comet or minimizing dither time, can we have a method of cycling filters between dithers?


  • 2 Red
  • 2 Green
  • 2 Blue
  • 2 Lum
  • Dither, cycle 30 times

Would take 60 frames for each channel and dither every 8 shots.

Are there plans for this, or is this possible and I just missed the FAQ?


Comments (9)

  1. Stanley Dimant

    Just set up a sequence of 30R, 30R, 30G, 30G, 30B, 30B, 30L and 30L, set sequence mode to loop and enable dithering only on the last L entry

  2. Shlomi Vaknin reporter

    @Stanley Dimant, I tried that (with latest build), but the sequence just stops after the first round.. What am I doing wrong?


  3. Shlomi Vaknin reporter

    Finally got around to trying that. Still does not work… 😞

    Can you perhaps share a screenshot of a setup that works for you?

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