Link $$HFR$$ Selection to the Half Flux Radius (Star Icon) on the Imaging Panel

Issue #498 closed
Jim Waters created an issue

Nice To Have - Feature Enhancement Request

If I select $$HFR$$ (Calculate Half Flux Radius) as part of my Image File Pattern name Half Flux Radius will not be displayed until I enable Half Flux Radius (Star Icon) on the Imaging Panel.


Half Flux Radius (Star Icon) not enabled on the Image Panel.

  • LIGHT-Sub_240.00s_IDAS-LPS P2_0.10C_100-Gain_-HFR_0003.fits

Half Flux Radius (Star Icon) enabled on the Image Panel.

  • LIGHT-Sub_240.00s_IDAS-LPS

It would be nice to link $$HFR$$ selection to the Half Flux Radius (Star Icon) on the Imaging Panel. If the user selects $$HFR$$ the Half Flux Radius (Star Icon) on the Imaging Panel is automatically enabled.

Comments (2)

  1. Ron Kramer

    yes, but I always enable it. (as I’m always watching HFR after each sub. But similar to this idea, I would like the HFR (star icon option) to SAVE last set state. This would serve your purpose too. Meaning if we toggle it on (IT COMES UP ON NEXT BOOT OF NINA). as was last set… so ON.
    Personally I want it ALWAYS ON. and yes I save HFR in the filename too.

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