Image scale in "/pixel is based on user values and not on solving

Issue #500 resolved
Han K created an issue

While improving the warning message generated by the ASTAP solver, I noted that the reported scale is based on the user inputs like focal length. This could be incorrect. It would be better to use the pixel scale reported by the solver. E.g keyword cdelt2 contains the pixel scale in degrees/pixel. For it has to be calculated as follows cdelt2:=sqrt(sqr(cd1_2)+sqr(cd2_2)); The same calculation could be used for ASTAP. The keyword cdelt2 is more or less obsolete.

See screenshot. ASTAP reports 2.4”/pixel while Nina is reporting 1.6”/pixel

Second suggestion: Ccould the warning be displayed a little longer? It goes to quick to read the message including the suggest focal length=FL


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