id N.I.N.A. 1.10 Nightly #078 break plate solving?

Issue #503 resolved
Atacamastar created an issue

Just installed N.I.N.A. 1.10 Nightly #078.  Fired up a sequence I have been using the past two nights and the slew to the target worked as expected. But when it came time to plate solve the sequence, N.I.N.A. crashed.

I restarted N.I.N.A. , re-loaded the sequence, N.I.N.A. re-slewed to the target, and plate solve crashed N.I.N.A. again.

I then tried just a plain plate solve outside of a sequence and it worked fine.

I then created a new sequence and N.I.N.A. crashed again at the plate solve step.

I then did a Windows system restore to get back to Nightly #077.  I loaded the original sequence and everything worked as it should.

Here is the error from the log -- [2020-04-29T20:54:26.9560] [ERROR] [Message] Plate solve aborted. The telescope's effective focal length must be specified under Options > Equipment at NINA.PlateSolving.ImageSolver.ValidatePrerequisites(PlateSolveParameter parameter) at NINA.PlateSolving.ImageSolver.<Solve>d__1.MoveNext()

Which makes no sense because this was a nightly update that should have carried over all the profile settings including the scope FL from the prior build/install. And when I did a straight plate solve, outside of a sequence, the plate solve worked perfectly -- it was only from within the sequence that the error was thrown

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