Sequence -> Type DARK does not allow to set and save a filter position like a Dark-Filter

Issue #505 closed
Stephan Hotto created an issue

Version 1.10 Nightly 080 and 079

I’m using a dark filter to take darks after imaging, but if the sequence type DARK is selected then it is not possible to select a filter.

Steps to Reproduce:

  • Go into sequence
  • Add an entry
  • Set the type to DARK
  • Select a filter
  • Save the sequence or just select another entry in the sequence or add another entry => Filter does not stay active
  • Load the sequence => Filter is not selected and cannot be selected

Expected behavior:
As for the other types like FLAT it should be possible to select a filter (e.g. Dark Filter) for the type DARK.

Select for example the type FLAT to be able to set the dark filter.

Comments (6)

  1. Stefan B repo owner

    This is intended, as Dark frames are not depending on any filter etc.
    As a workaround you can set as entry prior to the dark filter one row containing a light frame with minimum exposure time specifying the dark filter and after that the dark frames. The filter position won’t be changed then and thus having the dark filter.

    At some point the sequencer will become more granular and might be able to be configurable for your use case.

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