Filter wheel panel in Imaging Tab useless ?

Issue #510 invalid
AstroFabry created an issue

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When using the FIlter Wheel tab to change a filter within the Imaging panel one can properly change the filter but as soon as one starts imaging the filter gets changed back to what was selected in the Imaging tab. (Not sure if it should be considered an actual bug …).

Running the latest nightly version of NINA.

Steps to Reproduce

  • Go to imaging panel
  • Open both Filterwheel tab and Imaging tabs
  • Set the filter in the Imaging tab to be anything (e.g. L)
  • Set the filter in the Filterwheel tab to be anything else (e.g. R)
  • Change the filter from the Filterwheel tab → the active filter becomes R
  • Start exposing from the imaging tab → the active filter becomes L, making the selection via the Filterwheel tab useless

Expected behaviour

(Suggestion) The active filter in both Imaging and Filterwheel tabs should always be the same and should get updated as soon as there is a filter change request from the Filterwheel tab or one starts imaging from the Imaging tab.

Actual behaviour

The filter in the Imaging tab always overwrites the filter selected from the Filterwheel tab.

Comments (1)

  1. Stefan B repo owner

    The behavior is exactly as designed. The sequence and the imaging filter will always overrule the currently set filter when those are set. You can set the imaging tab for example to "Current" and it will take whichever filter is currently active.

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