Move Park Scope option in Sequence instead of Options

Issue #511 resolved
Niccolò Coli created an issue

I have created a sequence with fixed values for flats, I usually have "park mount after sequence end " enabled but definitely don't want the scope to park and destroy the flat panel. I'd suggest this option is moved as part of the sequence options

Comments (4)

  1. Chris Turchin

    I expected them there also when I first used NINA, at least in the sequence editor, current settings should be displayed with the option to override the defaults for a given sequence. Maybe I can have a look at this.

  2. Stefan B repo owner

    This will be configurable with the reworked sequencer. The idea is to be able to plan each step on a detailed level.

    @Chris Turchin It would be good to join the discord server, to not waste work on things that might be already worked on or not being wanted at all. In our dev channel the contributors discuss stuff they are working on and if features are worthwile to tackle at all.

  3. Stefan B repo owner

    This will be part of 1.11 as part of the new sequencer. The first iteration of this new sequencer will soon be available through nightly builds, therefore marking this as resolved.

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