add / replace seqence target does not (always?) update ra/dec

Issue #512 closed
Chris Turchin created an issue

[x ] Is the issue reproducible?
[x ] Are you running the latest version? 083 and develop
[ x] Are all prerequisites that are mentioned inside the manual met?


The sequence is not updated correctly when adding / replacing object from the framing aid if a search is performed but the “load image” button is not pressed.

Steps to Reproduce

  • Add target to sequence from framing tool.
  • Search for new target in framing tool
  • click search result but do not “load image” to perform further framing
  • Add / replace the target: the name is replaced but RA/Dec stay same.
  • See screenshot w/ coordinates for “Bodes Galaxy” (actually swimming alligator cluster, which I am now imaging instead because too lazy to cancel, reconfigure properly and restart 😉).

Expected behaviour

add / replace RA/Dec with new search result even if image not loaded/framed

Actual behaviour

Retains the coordinates of object that was last framed.

No useful output in log, running in trace:

[2020-05-11T00:03:07.6329] [TRACE] [MemberName] GetDeepSkyObjects
[2020-05-11T00:03:07.6329] [TRACE] [FileName] C:\develop\nina\NINA\Database\DatabaseInteraction.cs
[2020-05-11T00:03:07.6329] [TRACE] [Message] Start: 10.05.2020 10:03:07.385; Stopped: 10.05.2020 10:03:07.632; Elapsed: 00:00:00.2468195

[2020-05-11T00:03:09.3507] [TRACE] [MemberName] GetDeepSkyObjects
[2020-05-11T00:03:09.3507] [TRACE] [FileName] C:\develop\nina\NINA\Database\DatabaseInteraction.cs
[2020-05-11T00:03:09.3507] [TRACE] [Message] Start: 10.05.2020 10:03:09.201; Stopped: 10.05.2020 10:03:09.350; Elapsed: 00:00:00.1491205

[2020-05-11T00:03:33.9984] [TRACE] [MemberName] Save
[2020-05-11T00:03:33.9984] [TRACE] [FileName] C:\develop\nina\NINA\Profile\Profile.cs
[2020-05-11T00:03:33.9984] [TRACE] [Message] Start: 10.05.2020 10:03:33.997; Stopped: 10.05.2020 10:03:33.998; Elapsed: 00:00:00.0008234

[2020-05-11T00:03:34.0114] [TRACE] [MemberName] Save
[2020-05-11T00:03:34.0114] [TRACE] [FileName] C:\develop\nina\NINA\Profile\ProfileService.cs
[2020-05-11T00:03:34.0114] [TRACE] [Message] Start: 10.05.2020 10:03:33.997; Stopped: 10.05.2020 10:03:34.011; Elapsed: 00:00:00.0139494

[2020-05-11T00:04:17.3777] [TRACE] [MemberName] LoadImage
[2020-05-11T00:04:17.3777] [TRACE] [FileName] C:\develop\nina\NINA\ViewModel\FramingAssistant\FramingAssistantVM.cs
[2020-05-11T00:04:17.3777] [TRACE] [Message] Start: 10.05.2020 10:04:02.216; Stopped: 10.05.2020 10:04:17.376; Elapsed: 00:00:15.1608215

[2020-05-11T00:04:22.1497] [TRACE] [MemberName] Save
[2020-05-11T00:04:22.1497] [TRACE] [FileName] C:\develop\nina\NINA\Profile\Profile.cs
[2020-05-11T00:04:22.1497] [TRACE] [Message] Start: 10.05.2020 10:04:22.147; Stopped: 10.05.2020 10:04:22.148; Elapsed: 00:00:00.0012380

[2020-05-11T00:04:22.1607] [TRACE] [MemberName] Save
[2020-05-11T00:04:22.1607] [TRACE] [FileName] C:\develop\nina\NINA\Profile\ProfileService.cs
[2020-05-11T00:04:22.1607] [TRACE] [Message] Start: 10.05.2020 10:04:22.147; Stopped: 10.05.2020 10:04:22.160; Elapsed: 00:00:00.0129905

[2020-05-11T00:04:22.5467] [TRACE] [MemberName] GetDeepSkyObjects
[2020-05-11T00:04:22.5467] [TRACE] [FileName] C:\develop\nina\NINA\Database\DatabaseInteraction.cs
[2020-05-11T00:04:22.5467] [TRACE] [Message] Start: 10.05.2020 10:04:22.240; Stopped: 10.05.2020 10:04:22.546; Elapsed: 00:00:00.3056263

[2020-05-11T00:04:23.7917] [TRACE] [MemberName] LoadImage
[2020-05-11T00:04:23.7917] [TRACE] [FileName] C:\develop\nina\NINA\ViewModel\FramingAssistant\FramingAssistantVM.cs
[2020-05-11T00:04:23.7917] [TRACE] [Message] Start: 10.05.2020 10:04:22.082; Stopped: 10.05.2020 10:04:23.791; Elapsed: 00:00:01.7090348

[2020-05-11T00:05:09.0575] [TRACE] [MemberName] LoadImage
[2020-05-11T00:05:09.0575] [TRACE] [FileName] C:\develop\nina\NINA\ViewModel\FramingAssistant\FramingAssistantVM.cs
[2020-05-11T00:05:09.0575] [TRACE] [Message] Start: 10.05.2020 10:05:08.811; Stopped: 10.05.2020 10:05:09.056; Elapsed: 00:00:00.2452985

[2020-05-11T00:05:52.7214] [TRACE] [MemberName] GetDeepSkyObjects
[2020-05-11T00:05:52.7214] [TRACE] [FileName] C:\develop\nina\NINA\Database\DatabaseInteraction.cs
[2020-05-11T00:05:52.7214] [TRACE] [Message] Start: 10.05.2020 10:05:52.543; Stopped: 10.05.2020 10:05:52.721; Elapsed: 00:00:00.1784470

[2020-05-11T00:05:54.4678] [TRACE] [MemberName] GetDeepSkyObjects
[2020-05-11T00:05:54.4678] [TRACE] [FileName] C:\develop\nina\NINA\Database\DatabaseInteraction.cs
[2020-05-11T00:05:54.4678] [TRACE] [Message] Start: 10.05.2020 10:05:54.288; Stopped: 10.05.2020 10:05:54.467; Elapsed: 00:00:00.1793702

Comments (6)

  1. Stefan B repo owner

    I can’t reproduce this issue. Do you have more detailed steps, like which source was used etc?

    Edit: could it be possible that you did not click on “load image” prior to adding it to the sequence? because then this happens.

  2. Chris Turchin reporter

    I am using offline source since the online sources seem really slow for me. I might not have clicked load image, since the coordinates were already being displayed. my quick test just now do confirm what you mentioned: if I click load then the coords are sent, if not, then the name is sent but without coords.

  3. Chris Turchin reporter

    I stepped through this and understand the behavior now 🙂 you can “pimp” your view (rectangle) in the image view, and that is the coordinates that are then pushed to the sequence. Since I can (I recently discovered) just as easily search directly via the sequence name field, I guess this behavior is acceptable however it might be unexpected to DAU users like me 😉

  4. Chris Turchin reporter

    maybe for those users like me, a dirty flag or something could be set (and on load image unset) and when the dirty flag is set, either popup a notification or just use the coordinate from the new search rather than the rectangle.

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