User Defined Imaging Screen Layout – UI Feature Request

Issue #515 invalid
Jim Waters created an issue

It would be helpful if the user can define and save a custom ‘Imaging Screen’ layout specific to their needs and available screen space. The existing N.I.N.A Layout – ‘Reset Layout’ button functionality would be retained as the Factory Reset button. A new User Layout Reset button would be added.

Comments (3)

  1. Dale Ghent

    I don’t understand. Whenever you launch, move, position, or resize a window in the Imaging screen, that data is saved. When NINA is closed and reopened, the windows will appear in the manner in which you left them. The Reset Layout button just resets the layout to the default out-of-the-box configuration. Is this not what you are asking for?

  2. Jim Waters reporter

    Dale - This is my fault. I had 2 astronomy friends over showing them NINA that currently use SGPro and APT. One of them did a Layout Reset and didn’t tell me. I should have been more thorough at posting the feature request. Disregard this request.

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