Nina is hard to download when taking photos with CCD

Issue #517 closed
明耀 崔 created an issue

Dear developers, I come from China,The preview can be downloaded normally when the normal exposure is 1 second or 2 seconds, but 3 seconds or more are stuck in the download all the time, and the following errors are displayed. I use the APS-C size color frozen CCD camera with the CCD sensor Sony icx493aqa, 10 million pixels, and the pixel size is 6.05 * 6.05 μ M. The driver is 32-bit, so 32nina test is downloaded specially,Please help,

Comments (11)

  1. Stefan B repo owner


    is this camera connected via ASCOM?
    This message will pop up when the camera does not set the “ImageReady” flag to true after the exposure time + 15 seconds. Could be a driver problem..

  2. 明耀 崔 reporter

    Yes, I connect through ascom, but I can use MDL normally, but MDL is not intelligent, so I prefer to use Nina, attach MDL photo, this is a test 2-minute photo, if it is the problem of ascom driver, I think there is no way to solve it.

  3. 明耀 崔 reporter

    That photo was uploaded incorrectly, this one was exposed for 3 minutes and 20 seconds, but nina will report an error after 3 seconds of exposure

  4. 明耀 崔 reporter

    Is this okay? I deliberately manipulated exposure for 1 second and exposure for 3 seconds.

    ----------------NINA - Nighttime Imaging 'N' Astronomy----------------

    -------------------Running NINA Version
    ----------------------ASCOM Platform Version 6.4----------------------
    ---------------------.NET Version 4.0.30319.42000---------------------
    ---------------------Oparating System Information---------------------
    ---------------------------Is 64bit OS True---------------------------
    ------------------------Is 64bit Process False------------------------
    ---------------------------Platform Win32NT---------------------------
    ---------------Version Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0----------------
    ---------------------------Major 6 Minor 2----------------------------
    ----------------------------Service Pack -----------------------------

    [2020-05-14T20:25:10.6259] [INFO] [MemberName] ChooseCamera
    [2020-05-14T20:25:10.6259] [INFO] [FileName] E:\Projects\nina\NINA\ViewModel\Equipment\Camera\CameraVM.cs
    [2020-05-14T20:25:10.6259] [INFO] [Message] Successfully connected Camera. Id: ASCOM.CAM90.Camera Name: Skyrus 493C CCD (ASCOM) Driver Version: 6.0

    [2020-05-14T20:27:04.8225] [ERROR] [MemberName] Capture
    [2020-05-14T20:27:04.8225] [ERROR] [FileName] E:\Projects\nina\NINA\ViewModel\Equipment\Camera\CameraVM.cs
    [2020-05-14T20:27:04.8225] [ERROR] [Message] Camera Timeout - Camera did not set image as ready after exposuretime + 15 seconds

  5. Stefan B repo owner

    This has to be a problem on driver level. Nothing in NINA to prevent this, as other ASCOM compliant drivers work.

  6. Stefan B repo owner

    Hi 明耀 崔,

    I hope you can still see this message here. With the latest Version of 1.10 (RC 1) there is an option to increase this camera timeout. This will be useful for your case too and you should be able to use your camera with that version.
    It has become apparent, that the flush time for CCDs is part of getting the exposure ready until timeout and therefore you ran most likely into this timeout.


  7. 明耀 崔 reporter

    I've updated to the latest version and still shows timeout,I use Canon camera for daily photography for the time being. It doesn't matter if I can't use it all the time.

  8. 6ril


    same problem here, with an orion G10 camera, ascom touptek drivers.

    same problem with native drivers, rising cam ascom drivers (orion ascom drivers don’t work, no cooling).

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