Trailing stars / double stars

Issue #527 resolved
Loic H created an issue


I am using N.I.N.A. for about 6 month now. Since a few weeks, I noticed that my Stars are trailing when I do long exposures (600s) and dither. I have no clue what the cause can be, but I am now pretty sure that it has something to do with dithering. It looks to me, as if N.I.N.A. would send a dither command before the Exposure is finished or the exposure would start too early.

My equipment is a EQ6-R Pro, QHY183M, TSQ-71ED and Guding/dithering with PHD2

I attached some images where the issue is visible.

Best Regards

Comments (10)

  1. Stefan B repo owner


    you have specified Version 1.9.
    For 1.10 we have a big list of improvements and I would expect that a problem like that one would not occur there. Have you tried out the 1.10 Beta already? It’s pretty stable and will be release soon anyways.


  2. Loic H reporter

    Hi Stefan B,

    my fault, yes I have the newest version. I have currently 1.10 Beta 006.



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