Feature Request - Pop-Up Reminder Message Box

Issue #528 resolved
Jim Waters created an issue

It would be helpful to add an ‘optional’ Message Dialogue Box so the user can add reminder messages such as – “Be sure to include Target Name and check Gain settings.” This message box would pop-up when the user presses Sequence Run.

Comments (4)

  1. Jim Waters reporter

    Thanks Stefan. The messages would be entered by the user to remind them to do something. For example I keep forgetting to type in the Target Name. This would be an option to display this pop-up or not.

    I enjoy using NINA. Great product.

  2. Stefan B repo owner

    This will be part of 1.11 as part of the new sequencer, wher you can add annotations and message boxes to remind you of things. The first iteration of this new sequencer will soon be available through nightly builds, therefore marking this as resolved.

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