RA/DEC in Fits not in J2000

Issue #532 resolved
Ruediger created an issue

It looks like the RA/DEC coordinates in FIT’s header are not stored in J2000 epoch but in JNOW which leads to a persistent error when re-using the fits (e.g. plate solving), which exclusively work with J2000. For example ASTAP gives a persistent offset).

Solution: Store the J2000 coordinates, which is usually done.

Thank you!

Comments (3)

  1. Dale Ghent

    Hi Ruediger, I’ve taken a look at this and have a fix that precesses FITS keywords and XISF image properties from JNOW to J2000, as well as adds the EQUINOX keyword to declare the equatorial equinox that is in use (eg; EQUINOX: 2000.0)

    I will be testing this some more and it should slide into the current 1.10 beta cycle as a fix when completed. I’m also taking a look at how we format real numbers (floats) in textual format in the keyword values.

  2. Stefan B repo owner

    i've added the transformation to j2000 into the fits and xisf headers. it is available in 1.10 beta 15

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