Flats Wizard: change/set default parameters

Issue #533 closed
Samuel Pessorrusso created an issue

It would be nice to be able to change the default settings used by Flat Wizard so I would not need to change them every time:

  • Gain: it is blank. It would be good to already filled with default from camera settings or be able to define a default value.
  • Binning: same comment from gain.
  • Number of Flats and Dark Flats: the default value is 10. I would like to be able to define a different default value. I searched in configuration files but I could not find any parameter.

Comments (4)

  1. Stefan B repo owner

    Gain is prepopulated with default.

    number of flats and dark flats are saved for the next session.

    binning is still blank however, but may be changed in the future to also show defaults.

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