Sequence end: Safely disconnect all gear

Issue #534 resolved
Ruediger created an issue


I would appreciate to have the option to safely disconnect all gear at the end of a sequence after warming up and parking but before executing the external script.

Background: I am using script to disconnect all AUX devices (SQM, seismometer, weather station, etc…) at the UPBv2 after the mount has been parked and the camera has been warmed up. After this disconnect a PC shutdown is triggered.

Hence it would make sense to make a clean disconnect of all devices before switching them hard off.

Unfortunately there is no chance to include commends in the sequence to control UPBv2.

Thank you in advance!


Comments (13)

  1. Ruediger reporter

    Sorry to reopen the issue, but there was an misunderstanding:

    The devices get sitched off, while NINA is still running. Power and USB is turned off by the “Run command when sequence ends”.

    So from the point of NI’NA’s view the devices are hard plugged of. But It would be better if the could be clean “unmounted” before shutting them off.


  2. Ruediger reporter

    Yes I can:

    E.G. i am using a MGPBox which is providing weather information (humidity, air pressure and temperature) and also contains a switching port to turn the mount on/off. This is connected via COM port. During imaging sequence it is providing data via “ASCOM Observing Condition Hub”.

    At end of the sequence, the power off script has to connect to this box via COM port, but this is still connected to NINA via HUB. There fore I have to disconnect observing Condition Hub in NINA before.

    Only workaround could be to make the script wait a certain time, if I would have a function to terminate NINA from within the application itself. E.G. “Shutdown NINA at end of sequence”

    To summarize: It is necessary that the COM ports get freed before shutdown of the PC to perform other scripts. Currently I see no chance to get access to the ports at end of a sequence.

  3. Dale Ghent

    Ok, the confusion arose from you saying “…a clean disconnect of all devices before switching them hard off.” It was confusing because NINA does not turn off (as in power off) anything now, and most devices out there do not have a programmatically-accessible power switch anyway.

  4. Ruediger reporter

    Sorry for my clumsy wording. I agree that was not well explained.

    But there are lot of devices with power switches. Best example the PegasusAstro UPBv2, which is currently supported by NINA but rather useless since the switches can not be toggled by sequence or at end of a sequence.

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