Dark filter for automatic darks

Issue #538 resolved
Fred Feliciano created an issue

Hi guys, here is an idea. I have in my filter wheel a filter that is basically black it does not allow light to pass. So when I need dark frames I use that filter to block all light. I also use Sky X for imaging and they have in their software code that if you name that filter "Shutter" the filter will move automatically to that filter when you select dark frames. Maybe that could be added to NINA.

Comments (3)

  1. Stefan B repo owner

    This will be part of 1.11 as part of the new sequencer, where you can add a sequence item to move to the dark filter prior to taking dark exposures. The first iteration of this new sequencer will soon be available through nightly builds, therefore marking this as resolved.

  2. Urtzi Odriozola

    For those we don’t have the dark filter, could it be possible to stop a sequence when is a DARK/FLAT/BIAS type and manually activate again, when the telescope cap is set or after doing whatever configuration we need?

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