Enhancement: Import CdC / EQMOD Horizon limits

Issue #546 resolved
Byron Miller created an issue

Carts du Ciel allows you to generate a horizon file that I found out can be imported into EQMOD as well. In briefly thinking through some issues I experienced exceeding meridian flip safety and having to go tweak these I thought it would be nice if N.I.N.A could use the same CdC horizon file to allow people to set up their local horizon.

A nice feature of this would be to be able to enhance the sky atlas, framing and Sequencer (maybe 2.0?) to be able to assist with an atlas, frame or sequence when an object is above the horizon or apparent horizon depending on observing area.

Thinking out loud, the horizon could be associated as a related field for each lat/longitude and if defaulted to flat if people don’t customize it.


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