load a previous date in IMAGE HISTORY?

Issue #549 closed
Ron Kramer created an issue

Image history is great, and displays the shots of the night. Clicking a previous shot will load it and display it. (great for doing something like solving a previous shot).
So - how about adding a option to load a previous collection of history images? For example, I shot last night and now the next day I run nina and the history is blank.
IT would be great to enter or select a previous dates/file location so that it will show the image history from the past. Then we could click on any image and have it load/display. Often I want to do this to load and solve/goto to shoot the same framing from a previous shoot of the same target.

Since image history already allows this, why not allow us to select previous dates history of files?
thanks for your consideration.

Comments (3)

  1. Dale Ghent

    For purposes of inspection, why would you not do this in your image processing application? I don’t know what advantage NINA would offer in this regard since processing applications (PI, DSS, etc) offer many more options in this regard.

    As for framing, you just open the desired image file in the Framing Wizard and it gets loaded, solved, and is then ready for additional framing tasks and sending to the sequencer.

  2. Ron Kramer reporter

    Ah completely forgot about framing/load “FILE”. thanks for the reminder. I went in and reacquainted myself with it.

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