Add sequence override for rotation tolerance

Issue #551 closed
James Paul created an issue

The rotation tolerance is enforced for all sequences when a rotator is connected. I propose adding an optional rotation tolerance value setting to the sequence settings. If unspecified then the main tolerance applies per the current behavior. If specified then the value overrides the main setting and is applied while that sequence is active.

Using a manual rotator requires manual user intervention. When imaging multiple targets unattended, it’s not always practical to match rotation for all targets as not all sequences may have been saved with the same rotation. This would give flexibility to do things such as set the main tolerance to 360 degrees and then narrow it for only specific targets, reducing or eliminating undesired manual rotation for targets without a preferred rotation.

Example: I have several sequences saved for targets I image based on opportunity, most with no attention to rotation. I have a few sequences saved where rotation was carefully chosen or part of a multipanel project. I often image targets of opportunity to fill short intervals before and after my main target for the night. I care about the rotation of the main target, but the rotation of the targets of opportunity are arbitrary. I only want to adjust rotation once, for the main target of the session, without needing to remember to disable/enable/disable the rotator or tolerance value.

Comments (2)

  1. Stefan B repo owner

    The new sequencer available in the nightlies allows you to rotate only on targets where you want it and it can be skipped for others.

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