Installation doesn't work (W10)

Issue #556 invalid
Bernard Morgan created an issue

Hello, i did the installation of Nina, on Windows 10 1909, no antivirus except Windows Defender, installation runs well.

When i click on launch i just get the Nina logo in the middle of my screen and nothing more.

I tried to uninstall and reinstall, same.



Comments (4)

  1. Bernard Morgan reporter

    Oh, sorry, after some time i get the main screen…. apprently we must wait…. Seems ok now !

  2. Bernard Morgan reporter

    Ok, ok, but…….

    I try again, and i have the logo, in transparency mode, and i wait…. 1 min, 2 min…. nothing….

    1 clic in the logo, it comes on a black background, but nothing more…..

    and it opens the main menu…. after a very very long time….

    Is that normal ?

  3. Bernard Morgan reporter

    Hi, i added another comment because it still takes more than 2 or 3 mins to launch... strange... trying to contact other programs ? should we start all other programs like PHD2, Skychart, Astap, etc before launching Nina ?

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