Focus routine Stops sequence when focusing during clouds

Issue #564 resolved
Jerry Macon created an issue

When a focus run occurs during bad seeing, such as cloudy conditions, it is common for the focus thread to hang, the NINA stops taking any images. I think it probably does not advance to the next target, but not sure. If so can cause mount collision.

Easily reproducible: Do focus runs during the day, or with dome closed. After only a few this will occur.

A common appearance is the popup focus progress window will show the first two focus points with HFR=0, followed by one higher, after which it never changes, and the window never closes. Other tabs work fine, so it does not hang the entire program, just the focus thread.

Settings: Star HFR, Hyperbolic, Guiding OFF, SettleTime 0, Attempts 1, Frames 1, BrightStars 0, CropsRatios 1 1, Bin 2, Backlash Overshoot OUT 100

If have lost most of a night’s imaging because clouds appear briefly then clear off for the rest of the night, but NINA quits doing anything.

Comments (7)

  1. Stefan B repo owner

    Hi again,

    we have identified an issue in the hyperbolic fitting yesterday and are working on a fix and when looking at your description this is exactly the scenario where this is happening. Basically the hyperbolic fitting gets stuck in a loop. As a workaround you can use a different fitting method until the fix is available.

  2. Jerry Macon reporter

    That’s great. Thanks. This is the issue of most concern to me. The Hyperbolic is clearly the best fitting method, but if there is any chance of clouds I will follow your suggestion and use the Parabolic.

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