Active sequence details don't show current/sequence Gain

Issue #568 resolved
Byron Miller created an issue

I noticed that the active sequence screen doesn’t show Gain when running a sequence. Figured I'd start looking into why - not sure if camera simulator has a default gain, but i tried setting it to 101 - more below.

So i downloaded the code, opened a debugger, and started to generate a new sequence. By default, it looks like gain is set to (-1) in sequence.

So I changed that to 101 to see if I could trace where it is lost in making it to the active sequence details and noticed this.

When I hovered over the red! it says “Value 101 could not be converted” …

I can’t edit any other fields until I can correct it, but I can hit play with camera simulator and it starts a sequence but i don’t think the gain is set or I can’t tell.

I’m still learning how to Debug/Trace in Visual Studio.. once i figure this out maybe i’ll get a PR done.

1.10 RC001 Compiled from Bitbucket - i’m pulling down all the latest stuff but i’ve seen this through all betas/rc’s so far so i figured i’d report it and i’ll confirm if fixed shortly.

Comments (4)

  1. Byron Miller reporter

    Just looking for consistency so as I experiment with gain from sequences/filters It would be nice to see it reflected. Not sure if the 101 is a symptom of exceeding a simulated camera so I'm still messing around learning debugger to see if i can find out. Either way, just hope to see it indicated in active sequence 🙂

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