Mark a photo as "bad"

Issue #569 resolved
Andrzej Doroszenko created an issue

As a user, I would like to be able to mark a photo as "bad". If I know that this photo is for some reason bad quality (clouds, bad guiding etc) then I would like to mark the photo as bad. This will change the name of the photo to filename_BAD and reduce the sequence counter by 1.
There is similar functionality in SGPro, but I switched to NINA and I miss it.

Comments (12)

  1. Jim Waters

    This would be a nice ‘value add’. I know this may be outside of the NINA functionality vision and at the bottom of the ‘priority list’ but I feel this would improve the overall usability of NINA.

  2. Stephen Bogner

    There is a nice implementation of this functionality in BackyardEOS. I would have used this functionality about 15 times in the last couple of imaging sessions, if it was available.

  3. Linwood Ferguson

    So just to play devil’s advocate a bit… why not just delete it? Most of the time I’m asleep, but I’ve periodically seen bad images (star elongation, clouds, whatever) and I just delete the image. (Now that begs the question how about a “delete” function in the image history, but I just delete it from explorer).

  4. Andy Weeks

    This assumes you have file explorer open to the folder. I’d just assume do it like SGP does with a simple button.

  5. Linwood Ferguson

    Well, fair enough, but back to me real question: Why rename to “BAD” as opposed to a delete option?

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