ASI 1600 GT Filterwheel control

Issue #573 closed
Kowalski K. created an issue

Concerning the new ASI 1600 GT camera with integrated filterwheel:

Is there a possibility in NINA to control the filterwheel (or to change the filterwheel positions) ?

I cannot find it.


Comments (9)

  1. Dale Ghent

    Have you tried connecting using the usual ZWO EFW driver? The current version is, released last month.

  2. Kowalski K. reporter

    Oh yes that was it. Thanks!

    But now I face an other issue. I don´t see any difference in image brightness in live view. Wether I set up the gain in Imaging/Image Tab or I set it up in Equipment/Camera Settings, it has no impact. After I start the live view somehow the live picture has always the same (good) brightness. I tested in daytime at a house wall.

    Thank you!

  3. Dale Ghent

    Don’t use Live View. It is likely to be removed in the future. Just do looping exposures at the desired exposure lengths.

  4. Kowalski K. reporter

    Ach ok.. So far (with a Canon EOS) I liked to use the live view because i could very easy focus on a bright star by zooming on it. So you say with “looping exposures” I can do the same?


  5. Kowalski K. reporter

    Hello Dale, thanks a lot. It works good!

    when setting up the filter wheel positions in “Equipment” Tab, I guess I have to care about position 0 = 1 ? As there is no Position 0 in ASI1600GT Filterwheel..

    Am I right?


  6. Dale Ghent

    NINA numbers filter positions starting from 0, so yes, position 0 is the first position on the wheel.

  7. Dale Ghent

    For general questions such as this I recommend that you join the NINA Discord Chat server. The link to this is on the main Nina website.

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