Better Sequence Order: (1) Slew (2) Focus (3) Center

Issue #574 resolved
Jerry Macon created an issue

Focus should occur before Center/Plate Solve. If not, the Plate Solve may fail because it can’t see any stars. That exact thing happened to me tonight. My First target is Rho Ophiochi which has few stars. My focus was far enough out that focus kept failing. I was monitoring it so I started over, did a manual focus, then all is going smoothly.

Comments (5)

  1. John L

    I agree. This happened to me too, where it appears that after I slewed to a target, I was slightly out of focus, and ASTAP failed. (this had been working great for many weeks since I first started using NINA in early August 2020) I agree with the suggestion above there should be an option to auto-focus immediately after slew (and settling completes) to a new target. I have an SCT, so I worry that the mirror shift or mirror flop could possibly change the focus after slewing to a new target. That said, if the new sequence would then be: slew to new target, auto-focus, plate solve, but then if the target is not centered, and NINA has to re-slew to re-center the target (this happens for me a lot), I don’t think I would need to re-focus after the re-slew, but if that were still an option, it might be nice to have. Note: I am also looking at determining if ASTAP can be configured to make it more robust.

    Thanks again for a great piece of software. Besides this little issue above, the software is working great!

  2. Stefan B repo owner

    I’m currently working on the total rework of the sequencer and there you can customize the order of actions to whatever you like. It will still take a while until it gets put into a nightly to try it out, but it should cover most of the demands for sequencing 🙂

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