"Plate Solve Current Image" should have Sync functionality

Issue #577 closed
Jessica Mathis created an issue

As it stands right now, the “Plate Solve Current Image” button above an image in the Imaging section does not have a good use. I want to suggest having a “Sync” button to send the results of the plate solve to the telescope.

Please note that I am NOT referring to the “Plate Solving” tab (which requires you to take another image), I am referring to plate solving an image that has already been taken. See the attached image for clarification.

Comments (5)

  1. Stefan B repo owner

    That Button is Just for Plate solve Info. If you want to sync, use the Plate solve panel

  2. Stanley Dimant

    I believe a sync button wouldn’t hurt there, the image is already taken, some people require extraordinary long exposures for plate solving.

  3. Jessica Mathis reporter

    @Stefan B Yes, I understand that. I am suggesting that the panel should permit the end user to actually utilize the data in that screen without needing to take a new image. At this point, this screen is entirely useless. I personally would like the ability to solve the current image displayed in NINA without being forced to take an entirely new image.

    I am not suggesting a “sync and recenter” functionality, I’m just suggesting taking the output of this window (that has already been solved) and send it directly to the telescope.

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