BUG with ZWO Asi240mc pro

Issue #583 closed
Phillip created an issue

I use NINA 1.10 RC 006, Asi 2400mc pro.

Ascom drivers works well but native driver occurs some problem

When use USB traffic at 80 or above, NINA can’t download any pics. I tried reduce it to 40, about 50% can be downloaded, rest are the same as 80.

Please chech these logs.

Update 14:54 UTC

I thought it’s not problem with USB cable, I’ve tried 3 different cams with same cable, also two cable with one cam, it’s only happen while I use 2400MC with native drivers.

By the way, 2400mc is latest cam. Deverloper from ZWO and I check this last night, works well on MDL\SGP\ASICAP

I have also upload two logs

Hope the develop team solve this before 1.10 release.

Comments (7)

  1. Dale Ghent

    Hello. This error most often occurs because of a bad or unstable USB connection to the camera. If you are using the flat style USB cable that comes with the ZWO camera, replace it with a quality USB 3.0 cable. The flat USB cable may not adequately reject electronic noise. You may also try reducing the “USB Limit” setting.

  2. Phillip reporter

    I thought it’s not problem with USB cable, I’ve tried 3 different cams with same cable, also two cable with one cam, it’s only happen while I use 2400MC with native drivers.

    By the way, 2400mc is latest cam. Deverloper from ZWO and I check this last night, works well on MDL\SGP\ASICAP

  3. Stefan B repo owner

    There is not much we can do about it in N.I.N.A.

    This error is displayed when the ZWO sdk is returning “ASI_ERROR_CODE.ASI_ERROR_TIMEOUT” from the call to ASIGetDataAfterExp.

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