mirrorless camera support,what kind of sony mirrorless camera can work with NINA?

Issue #586 closed
ljzdede created an issue

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Comments (3)

  1. Stefan B repo owner

    Currently no Sony Cameras can be controlled directly with NINA.

    With some workarounds it is possible to use the FileCamera in NINA to control these to some degree. It requires a usb shutter cable to trigger the exposures and some mechanism to automatically move the images to a folder on the pc.

  2. ljzdede reporter

    Thanks for reply. Currently I am using usb shutter to control camera,but can’t using auto focuser,I am using external focuser. Do you have some solution for it?

    In additional,do you have some list to show supporting cameras,special for DSLR?

  3. Stefan B repo owner

    Recently some ASCOM drivers for DSLRs became available. Some also supporting Sony cameras. Check them out - if they conform to the specs they can be used with the app

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