Guider setting not saved in profile

Issue #588 closed
Ruediger created an issue

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NINA tries to connect PHD so Guider drop down is set to “No Guider”. When re-starting NINA it is set again to “PHD2”.

I had PHD once activated, but then deactivated. But the setting is not stored.

Steps to Reproduce

  • Start NINA
  • Set Guider to “No Guider” in Equipment
  • Quit NINA and start it again
  • Guider is set a again to “PHD2”

Expected behaviour

Save settings of Guider drop down

Actual behaviour

Setting is not saved.

Logs and Profile attached. Also screenshot.

Comments (5)

  1. Stefan B repo owner

    As a workaround you can select “No Guider” and just click on the connect button. Nothing will happen, but the value will then be stored.

  2. Stefan B repo owner

    I will close this for now and the workaround is the current working solution for it. I'm not sure how a good alternative would look like, as otherwise the component would have to be completely reworked. (when your non ascom equipment is not connected it is not part of the list and then we don't want to override the profile with the "no device")

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