"Meridian Time In" displayed in sequence tab

Issue #589 resolved
Phillip Roberts created an issue


Would it be possible to display the Meridian Time In: just as is displayed in the telescope tab but display in the sequence tab for the particular target? Perhaps just above the graph that shows the meridian transit?

The reason being is that my old CG-5 mount does not perform a meridian flip unless I tell it to go to a different target. otherwise it just bangs against the RA limit repeatedly. So to work around this I add a sequence to a new secondary target that is well on the other side of the meridian. So I have to make my main first target sequence last just before the meridian. Then I cause the mount to flip by targeting the secondary target. Image for 15-30 minutes then go back to the primary target which is well past meridian now. The mount then properly slews the the correct side now (the same side it’s on now).


Comments (2)

  1. Jim Waters

    I know its displayed on the Telescope Tab but it would be nice to have it displayed on the Sequence Tab too.

  2. Stefan B repo owner

    The new sequencer will give details when the meridian flip will happen. Available in the 1.11 nightlies.

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