Sequence Start Button not working

Issue #595 closed
Daniel Lorenzo created an issue

Fresh install of latest stable version 1.10

After succesful testing the camera capture, mount slewing and autofocus, I chose and framed a target using the framing tool and set that as the sequence.

I chose to slew/center at start, autoguiding at start, autofocus at start and every 1deg

Set my exposure length and count, some dithering

Then I press the “play” button to start sequence, but nothing happens. No error messages.

I noticed that the folder Documents/N.I.N.A in config did not exists, so I created one in another location that I prefer (c:\astro\nina) and set that in the config.

Comments (7)

  1. Daniel Lorenzo reporter

    Found the logs (forgot where it was). When I press the button, this gets added

    [2020-07-30T23:13:23.6423]   [ERROR]     [MemberName] NotEnoughRemainingDiskSpace
    [2020-07-30T23:13:23.6423]   [ERROR]     [FileName] E:\Projects\nina\NINA\ViewModel\SequenceVM.cs
    [2020-07-30T23:13:23.6423]   [ERROR]     [Message] The path is not of a legal form.    at System.IO.Path.NormalizePath(String path, Boolean fullCheck, Int32 maxPathLength, Boolean expandShortPaths)
       at System.IO.Path.GetPathRoot(String path)
       at System.IO.DriveInfo..ctor(String driveName)
       at NINA.ViewModel.SequenceVM.NotEnoughRemainingDiskSpace(Object& info)

    This is strange.. I have 21.4GB free on my single ssd drive, out of 237GB capacity

    Perhaps underlying error, I don’t know…

  2. Daniel Lorenzo reporter

    I restarted the app in hope that maybe config had to be reloaded. I’m getting a message “Directory to save image to not found!”.

    I tried to change the directory to something in user directory, and by using the browsing dialog to make sure it’s not a user input error. (C:\Users\astro\Documents\nina\)

    But I still get the error and it’s not working.

    Log still gets appended with the same error:

    [2020-07-30T23:27:28.9091]   [ERROR]     [MemberName] NotEnoughRemainingDiskSpace
    [2020-07-30T23:27:28.9091]   [ERROR]     [FileName] E:\Projects\nina\NINA\ViewModel\SequenceVM.cs
    [2020-07-30T23:27:28.9091]   [ERROR]     [Message] The path is not of a legal form.    at System.IO.Path.NormalizePath(String path, Boolean fullCheck, Int32 maxPathLength, Boolean expandShortPaths)
       at System.IO.Path.GetPathRoot(String path)
       at System.IO.DriveInfo..ctor(String driveName)
       at NINA.ViewModel.SequenceVM.NotEnoughRemainingDiskSpace(Object& info)

    I find suspicious that there is a file path in the log mentionning “E:\Projects\..…”, but maybe its internal ramdisk path or what else.

    Unfortunately, I have to fallback to another tool. Please let me know as I would like it to work.

  3. Daniel Lorenzo reporter

    @Dale Ghent you are right, the field was empty.. thanks.

    This is a big problem for newcomers or someone coming back to the app.

    Suggestion 1: There should be either an initial setup wizard/process or a default value.

    Suggestion 2: Also I had to guess again where logs were stored. I think it would be helpful to show live logs in a section and/or a link to the correct folder.

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