Directory to save image to not found!

Issue #608 closed
Rainer Halanek created an issue

Hi all (sorry for posting again, lost the old issue somehow),

I am pretty sure that I did not changed a thing on my Astro Laptop, but suddenly, I cannot take images with NINA anymore. The error message (when starting the sequence) is: “Directory to save image to not found!“

I looked into the log files (set the log level to trace) and found that (not sure if that is the issue): NotEnoughRemainingDIskSpace → the path is not of a legal form → filename: E:\Projects\nina\NINA\ViewModel\….cs

I don’t have a E:\ drive 😉

Any idea what I screwed up there? Where can I set the default directory?

Thanks, Rainer

Comments (15)

  1. Stefan B repo owner

    The [Filename] in the logs refer to the source code file at the compile time. It is not related to your file system.

    Can you please attach the logs? Also what was your Sequence Target name - did it have any special characters?

  2. Rainer Halanek reporter

    Sorry again for duplicating. I will attach the log file. No special character in the path or filename that I know of. I have dev background if it helps, plese advice how I can run it in Debug mode.

  3. Rainer Halanek reporter

    Hi Stefan. How do I attach the profile or the file pattern string (which is the default one)? Thanks, Rainer P.S.: Awesome quick reaction! Thank you!

  4. Stefan B repo owner

    The same way like you have attached the logs. The profiles are stored in %localappdata%\nina\profiles

  5. Stefan B repo owner

    So one of the profiles you have linked does not have a file path set at all. Maybe the wrong profile was selected?

  6. Rainer Halanek reporter

    I deleted all files in the profiles directory and started NINA. Then I connected the camera and tried a default sequence - same problem. Any ideas? Thanks, Rainer

  7. Stefan B repo owner

    When you delete all profiles and directly start an exposure that is expected, as the default profile will not have a file path set.

  8. Rainer Halanek reporter

    Thank you man! That did the trick. I never saw that field. Stupid me. next donation is on its way. Thank you for your awesome work!

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