Dither settle time not applied

Issue #611 closed
Daniel Lorenzo created an issue

As soon as dithering completes, the capture is resuming.

I don’t see any settle time (in my case it’s the default value: 10)

If it does, which I doubt, I would expect the status bar to show the status of the settling.

What I see is “dithering” status, then it is “exposing” right after.

Perhaps I am missing something?

Comments (7)

  1. Daniel Lorenzo reporter

    Could you point me where the option is in phd2? ..Searched the app settings and forums and could not find it.

    As far as I know and found, the apps like Ekhos and SGP do implement a settle time so that when PHD is done dithering is complete and going back to normal guiding, capture resume waits for guidestar position to be stable, either just a delay or also a threshold (ie: under 0.5px for 5sec).

  2. RipWords

    Hi I know this issue was with PHD2 but I’m using direct guide and I’m getting the same issue where N.I.N.A skips the settle time after dithering

  3. Stefan B repo owner

    Looking at the code, there is clearly some wait time for the direct guider too, and the state of the guider should switch to “Dither settling …” during that time frame. Is this not the case?

  4. RipWords

    Using the simulator the “Dither settling…” did appear but in actual use the sequencer skips it, and also external scripts in the new sequencer also does not run, I found this out when I tried to use a simple python sleep script to fix the dithering issue

  5. RipWords

    I found out that the dither settling.. message has been changed to the guiding graph instead of the bottom left corner so that’s not a problem anymore. But my scripts are still not getting executed

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