problems with QHY16200A

Issue #614 resolved
hectorbdn created an issue

Hello, I installed NINA few days ago and I'm having trouble using the ccd QHY16200A , first of all and most important I can not choose the ASCOM driver I only can choose the native one, It wouldn’t be a problem if with the native driver I could choose readout modes fast/slow and to enable/disable the overscan area.

The download image time for this ccd is long, it could be great not only to be able to choose fast readout mode so be able to choose a subframe of the image for focusing as well.


Comments (6)

  1. Dale Ghent

    The readout speeds are not readout modes as far as the camera is concerned. The native driver does support selecting a readout mode, but not readout speeds as these are specific to the QHY A-series cameras. I plan to add support for readout speeds soon and they will likely appear in an upcoming 1.11 development build after the code is submitted. I cannot commit to a timeframe when this will be done.

    As for reliability of the ASCOM driver, make sure that you have the latest driver package installed from the QHY downloads page.

    For focusing on a subframe, please refer to NINA’s documentation and the inner/outer crop area settings for autofocusing.

  2. hectorbdn reporter

    Hello Dale, thank you very much for your answer, I don’t think I have the latest drivers for the QHY ASCOM , i will check it, do you know if I can erase the OC area with latest drivers?

    about the subframe I wasn’t meaning about the autofocus, I do not have autofocus, i meant to draw a rectangle in the image and then loop the image only in that selected rectangle, it’s great because it’s speed up the focusing with a Bahtinov mask. i have in mind of the great work you are doing with this software and it’s free so it’s just an idea that could be great to implement it

  3. Stefan B repo owner


    Subframing is already available, when the driver is capable of it.

    1. In the imaging tab you need to take an exposure
    2. in the image panel click on the subframe icon
    3. drag the subframe to the region of interest
    4. disable the rectangle again
    5. enable subframe toggle in imaging

    then you will get subframed images for focusing.

  4. hectorbdn reporter

    Hello, I am trying the NINA with the new ascom drivers for my camera and they connect well

    can’t wait to try NINA in the field , of course next days are cloudy days #@#@# haha


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