Descriptions for Lbl_SequenceItem_Platesolving_CenterAndRotate_Description and Lbl_SequenceItem_Platesolving_Center_Description reversed

Issue #615 resolved
Deon Brewis created an issue

These two values should probably be the other way around:

<data name="Lbl_SequenceItem_Platesolving_CenterAndRotate_Description" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Centers the telescope via plate solving for the given coordinates</value>

<data name="Lbl_SequenceItem_Platesolving_Center_Description" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Centers and rotates the telescope via plate solving and a rotator for the given coordinates and rotation</value>

Comments (2)

  1. Stefan B repo owner

    yes you are right.
    For these kind of issues it would be simpler to just ping me (@isbeorn) in discord.

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