NINA window loses focus when in full screen and clicking on "imaging"

Issue #617 closed
Ruediger created an issue

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When NINA is in full screen and there are other program in the background, then the NINA window loses focus and gets pushed behind the background application and you have to use ALT+Tab to switch back to NINA application.

Steps to Reproduce

  • Start any application #1
  • Start NINA and maximize
  • Click on icon “Imaging”

Expected behaviour

Switch to Imaging interface

Actual behaviour

NINA is pushed to background and application #1 is in full screen ion top

Log attached

Comments (13)

  1. Ruediger reporter

    Problem still persists in Nightly 21. but a minor update:

    It is not jumping to window in the background, but to the last active window. e.g. Outlook or Browser.

    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Start NINA
    2. go to “Sequncer” tab
    3. activate any other application currently running e.g. Browser
    4. Go back to NINA
    5. Klick on “Imaging” Icon

    Result: The Browser gets the focus.

  2. Stefan B repo owner

    do you have a floating window in your imaging layout (also including hidden windows)?
    If yes - this is a bug in the third party dock manager that is in use.

  3. Stefan B repo owner

    You could also share the layout which is stored at %localappdata%\nina\avalondock.config

  4. Ruediger reporter

    Here we are… attached on top, since I have not found any possibility to attach something in the text field except images.

  5. Stefan B repo owner

    Your platesolving and autofocus windows are popped out when you re-open these. Once you dock them again with the rest, the problem won’t occur anymore.

    I haven’t found out if there is a way around this bug in the external framework or what exactly the root cause for this behavior is.

  6. Ruediger reporter

    Hi Stefan,
    I have re-docked them, and the problem is gone. But this is only a confirmation of the bug, but not a real solution. Maybe the coder of the framework can help?

    For nightly work, I will keep this windows undocked because I want to see the image window at the same time. I do not want to switch between the windows all the time.

    So we have to wait for a fix from the framework owner.
    But at least the root cause is found. Thanks!

  7. Stefan B repo owner

    The problem with the framework is, that their licensing has changed last year. So even if they fix it, an upgrade is not possible anymore as that license is incompatible.

    There is a forked version that is still maintained using the old license, which i need to upgrade to at one point, when i get some time to do it.

  8. Ruediger reporter

    Absolutely fine with me. This has no functional impact. We just keep this issue open and close it when it is done. So we wont forget it.


  9. Stefan B repo owner

    I'll close the issue as this is a third party component and it might be fixed or not, but tracking it here makes not much sense, as we can't influence it.

  10. Ruediger reporter

    Hi Stefan,
    just re-tested. The problem ist no occurring again. It seems to be fixed.

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