Plate solving starts immediately after moving mount to new sequence target without waiting to settle -> image can have small lines instead of points for start

Issue #626 closed
Rainer Halanek created an issue

After one target is finished and NINA moves to the next target, it takes the picture for plate solving right away. No settle time to wait, until everything is stable again. That results in pictures, where the stars are not points, but small lines. So plate solving sometimes doesn’t work. Solution would be a settle time as parameter. Maybe that is already there, then shame on me, but I didn’t find it.

Comments (7)

  1. Rainer Halanek reporter

    I saw that one, it is set to 5, which I guess is seconds. But that had no effect. The platesolving happened right after slewing.

  2. Stefan B repo owner

    I just checked with a settle time of 30. You can see the settle time in the progress indicator on the bottom. The platesolving starts after this settle time. Some mounts require longer settle times than 5.

  3. Stanley Dimant

    Cannot reproduce on my end (been having the same issue but it’s resolved with 15s settle because that’s just how mounts are), increase it to something unreasonably high and reverify that this is an actual issue

  4. Rainer Halanek reporter

    Thank you! I will change to a higher number and observe that. Looks like a misconfiguration on my end. I will reopen, if it still exists.

  5. Dale Ghent

    There are occasionally mount drivers which report that the slew is completed before it actually is, and the mount is still moving on its own (versus there just being post-slew vibrations or swaying)

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