Slew or Sync Failed - 20 degrees off Target - Green Swamp Server

Issue #627 closed
Aaron Dalton created an issue

Woke up to 3 sequences finished, mount parked and camera warmed. Good. But. The last sequence that had a line for Oiii and Ha had 0/20 completed for Oiii (the first line) but 20/20 done for Ha. I platesolved the Ha subs and they were like 20 degrees RA off from target. Mount was also parked like 20 degrees off from usual home.

I’ve been using Green Swamp Server instead of EQMOD lately and had no issues until now. I’m curious if passing clouds could played a role but I guess I would expect the platesolve and sync to fail, not give a bad slew command.

Comments (5)

  1. Stefan B repo owner

    The centering failed, as the sync was rejected because it was outside of the sync Limits. Maybe there was some Power fluctuation that your mount got reset during a slew and then the pointing was really far off. that would also explain the wrong Park Position.

  2. Dale Ghent
    [2020-09-22T04:06:59.2289]   [ERROR]     [Message] SlewToCoordinates set - '26.3529013376795' is an invalid value. The valid range is: RightAscension, 0 to 24.    at ASCOM.DriverAccess.MemberFactory.CallMember(Int32 memberCode, String memberName, Type[] parameterTypes, Object[] parms) in C:\ASCOM Build\Export\ASCOM.DriverAccess\MemberFactory.cs:line 487

    I think this line pretty interesting, where somehow we commanded the mount to an RA beyond 24h.

  3. Stefan B repo owner

    Yes when sync fails Nina tries to compensates by Offsetting the coordinates instead. This issue is potentially fixed in 1.10 hf1 rc3

  4. Stefan B repo owner

    Please check if the failed sync and offset park position was caused by a hardware issue (power, cable etc.) Furthermore upgrade to HF1 RC3 to have the fixed offset logic.

    If the issue persists, feel free to re-open the issue with more details.

  5. Aaron Dalton reporter

    So the reason behind the bad park was definitely mechanical. Aka my rowan belt was slipping and then fully broke. But it is interesting that the software commanded a 26hr RA coord. Thanks for looking into it. I’ll report back with the latest HF when I have the mount repaired and running. I feel fine with this being closed.

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